Sunday, February 25, 2018

Android Rom Dumper 1.3.5

English details
1. The rectangle contains the connected devices and the device to be used is selected.

2. Refresh: scans the currently connected devices.

3. Check Root: Checks the routine of the phone.

4. Reset ADB: Restart the phone connection program if other programs are trying to connect to the phone.

5- Log: Contains information released from the program.

6. Read Data: Reads the device's sections and brings them to the table.

7 - Read using root: Some devices do not read partitions except in the presence of a routine, so this option must be activated.

8- Dump: Starts the process of dragging selected sections and transferring them to the phone.

9- Make Samsung Rom: Drag only the system file and convert it to tar.md5 for browsing by Odin.

10 img or img.ext4: Selects the file system suffix that follows the button 9.


1. Works on most Android devices with 4.1.2 and above.
2. Pull any section of the device.
3. Automatic identification of the device partition file system.
4. Move files to the device and arrange them.
5. Pull Samsung flash drives.
6. Switch the flash to md5 format.
7. Prepare them for the Odin program.
8. The program is free for life

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